Friday, December 18, 2009

Winterise your Hair - Hair Care in dry, cold conditions

When it comes to the effects of winter on hair, I think there’s a general consensus across board that the tough weather conditions – cold temperatures outside and dry indoor heating can be damaging to hair and skin. 

I digress. 

In winter, I normally shower 2 or 3 times a day in order to keep my skin adequately mosturised. I certainly don’t have to...neither do I want to have a bath or take a shower frequently while it sub-zero outside! But I have found that the best time to work on my skin is in winter. Normally I use a heavy body milk or crème in combination with body oil, although currently I use just the body oil, right after stepping out of the shower.

Back to hair…

So, winter can be a blessing if you choose to see it that way. Personally, I believe it’s the best time to not only grow your hair out, but also super-pamper it. Right now my hair is in twists – since October.  I plan to take them out in a couple of weeks and this is what I intend to do:
  • Take twists out gently, finger comb all the way.
  • Once twists are out, saturate hair in Amla Oil (you can get this for about €3.50 from any health store)EVOO or coconut oil and leave over night
  • Rinse oil out and shampoo
  • Do a heavy protein treatment – Aphogee
  • Condition, condition, condition (I will be using Roux Porosity Control at some point)
  • Roller-set
I intend to wait 2 weeks max before I retouch. After retouching, here’s what I intend to do for about a month before braiding again:
  • Wash hair with same frequency during summer, but use more moisture based products. Hair really needs a lot of moisture in winter, because of the dry weather conditions.
  • Deep condition 3 or 4 times a week
  • Condition/moisturise daily
  • Use heavier oils for hot oil treatments – normally I use sweet almond oil, but will be using Extra Virgin Olive Oil and/or Castor oil this winter
  • Air dry at ALL TIMES! – I won’t be using any heat styling appliances this winter
Apart from the pointers above, here are some other suggestions:
  • Avoid going out with wet hair, you risk severe breakage, especially in sub zero conditions.
  • Stay far away from greasy hair products – pomades, hair creams, lotions etc, anything petroleum-based.
  • Don’t forget your scalp needs love too
  • Keep all chemical processes to a minimum
  • Become BFFs with a hood dryer, or least with someone who has one!
  • Invest in Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. I bought a jar from I couldn’t find anything in Barcelona, so I looked state-side. A 950g jar costs about $14 and shipping is $7 (airmail, unregistered). They have a promotion right now, whereby shipping cost by DHL is just $10.
  • Don’t forget to take care of yourself – there’s no use having a beautiful head of hair and ill-health.
Well, I hope this article has been helpful some way. Please leave feedback.

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This work by Naija Hair Care is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.